
Prefill 1: Lookup #1
IF LOGGED IN: Retrieves First Name, Maiden Name, Last name, Address, Email, Phone UT EID, Class Year, Birthdate, Past President, Life Member credit, Life credit Amount, Has Life Member credit. 

Prefill 2: Lookup #13
If a Contact is logged in, this section retrieves the Card on File info: Last 4 digits, card type, billing zip, Card Record ID, Gateway Record ID, and Has Card On File

Prefill 3: Lookup #5 - Product2 Object
This Prefill 3/Lookup # 5 retrieves data from the Product2 Object: Membership Name, Membership Type, Product GAU, Item Category, Members Only, Life Members Only, Membership Product, Auto Renew Options.

Prefill 4: Lookup #6: Find the "OFFER(s)" available based on the Parameters passed in via the URL string: Product = Product ID, Offer Recipients /= NULL, Member Level Pricing = Pricing, Active = True.

For those found, pre-fill the OFFER(S) with: 

Calculated Fields or Variables in the Offer: ************************

Prefill 5 - Lookup #9 from Membership Object
Using the Record ID found in Lookup#1, retrieve Joint Contact ID

Prefill 6 - Lookup #9 on Membership Object
Use Record ID from Lookup #8, and if found, retrieve Joint Contact ID

Prefill 7 - Lookup #11
Take the Contact ID from Lookup #9, if found, prefill First Name, Last Name, Maiden Name, and Class Year (fields displayed below)
Prefill 8 - Lookup #15
Lookup the Source Code on the Campaign Object, if found prefill Source Code.
Prefill 9 - Lookup #17 (Constants/Gift)
Lookup a Constants Record: True/False = Secure Parameter: Gift. If found, prefill Gift Membership
Does URL show Gift in Prefill: 

vaPrefill 10 - Lookup #19 on Offer
conconsoleIf Offer Recipients = Secure Paramater: Recipient AND Product = Secure Parmeter: Product ID, then if found, pre-fill Joint Status, Recipient Provided and Joint Status (Hidden)

Membership Selected
The membership type you selected is listed here

Joint Status: Joint

Joint Status: Individual

You have chosen to give this membership as a gift.
Need to change your membership type? Go Back


Purchaser Information

If known; enter in lower case

Gift Recipient Member Information

If known

Joint/Spouse Member's Name

Date of birth is used to confirm match in database.

Legends Club

Lifetime Legends may pay the full amount of $30,000 by contacting Carol Barrett at the Texas Exes.
You have a life member credit of  $
The life member credit will be deducted from the price of your life member cost if you are paying in full.  If you are choosing a payment plan, your monthly payment will be adjusted for the remaining months.
If you have questions, please call our Membership Office at 1-800-369-0023

RFSA Member Details

We appreciate your support of the Texas Exes! For payments greater than $10,000 please contact us at 800-594-3935, or mail a check to Texas Exes, P.O. Box 12368, Austin TX, 78711.

Payment Information

More Hidden Fields

Chargent Fields (delete any created when cloning/adding a new SF Sandbox/login that do not match the Chargent Form ID found under the Chargent Connector)
Notes about this Form
10/19/23  This was revised to change the donation amount from $5 to $10.

4/13/23: So this was cloned from 612, 612 is using the Life Member Credit field, it is NOT calculating the Discount with the Life Member Credit field (we don't think), and all of the Parameters in the Prefill are UNSAFE. But it will pull in the Offer/Price Options and the Contact Info.

4.2.24 - removed the 2023 picklist item from credit card year

4.3.23 - modified "True/False" on the Renew in Post-Submit Connector steps 5 & 6

To learn more about how the Texas Exes keeps your information secure, click here.